Monday, 4 August 2014

This is it!

I'm sat on a bus on my way to our first rehearsal all together. Present Moment Theatre Lab 2014 kicks off today! I'm sure I have the same feeling of nervous excitiment that all the young people have: what is everyone going to be like? What's the show going to be like? Will everyone be better than me? How will I know?
Experience tells me all will be fine - and after that first tentative 5 minutes we'll be flying into the work. Playing silly games, learning everyone's names and trying to tell Shakespeare's story. But there's always that little feeling of dread...
The best advice I can find to give myself is: use it! Ride those nerves, use that energy and that excitiment. After all it's not an unwilling audience out there, it's a group of 30 very talented young people who I'm sure can't wait to get started!

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